Friday, June 27, 2008

霰天神山(Arare-Tenjin Yama)

When a fierce fire was about to devastate Kyoto during the Eisho period (1504-1520), a sudden hail ("arare" in Japanese) put out the ferocious blaze. The image of this yama is said to be a small statue of Tenjin, or the God of Thunder, which fell down with the hail at that time. It has been enshrined as a god who prevents fire calamities. Its talismanic power is so evident that only this yama could survive the big fires in 1788 and 1864 which destroyed many other yama and hoko.

As a result, the Tenjin image has become the pride of the community. "Here are amulets that will protect you from lightning and fire. Please take one. Don't miss the only chance to get one this year! This song is chanted by children at the Yoiyama night festival, which is on the eve of the Yamahoko Junko parade, as they ask for donations and give out amulets to contributors. This yama carries a dignified miniature shrine that has a roof shingled with Japanese cypress.
By T.S. on 29th Jun., 2008

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